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Rental Agreement

You have entered into a rental agreement with the Swarthmore Campus & Community Store to loan you for the current semester one or more course materials, as indicated on your receipt. By paying for the rental, you indicate your acceptance of the following agreement:

I understand that this rented item is the property of the Store.

I will not reproduce any part of this course material. Rental course materials are copyrighted as the intellectual property of the author(s).

I will return this course material in appropriate condition reflecting reasonable use, with minimal writing, highlighting, or notes.

I agree to be billed for and pay the full publisher price of the material if any part of the rented item is heavily marked, damaged or missing.

I agree to be billed for and pay the full publisher price if the item is not returned by rental deadline set for the semester you are renting in, which can be found on your receipt or on our website.

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