Privacy Policy
The Swarthmore Campus & Community Store respects your privacy. This notice is provided to disclose our efforts to protect your privacy when you use (the “Website”), where we buy, sell, and rent new and used textbooks (the “Service”). Swarthmore Campus & Community Store reserves the right to change, update and revise our Privacy Policy from time to time, at our sole discretion, by posting the most current version of the Privacy Policy at
In this Privacy Policy, "you" or "your" means any person or entity using the Service ("User"). Unless otherwise stated, the "Company," "we" or "our" will refer collectively to Swarthmore Campus & Community Store.
Information We Collect on Users
If you wish to complete a transaction on the Website, you will be required to register, where you will create an individual account at (“your account”). We will collect personal information that we require to bill you for the Service, communicate with you, and ship products you purchase and otherwise manage the relationship with you. This personal information may include your name, your email address, your telephone number, your credit card information, your billing address, and your shipping address. We will maintain records on your purchases in case of a return.
You may browse the Website and use the shopping cart without registering and providing this personal information, but you cannot perform a transaction without registering.
We do not intend the Service to be used by any individual under the age of 18 (a “Minor”) without the supervision of a parent or guardian 18 years of age or older (a “Guardian”). If you are a Minor, you may use the Site only under the supervision of a Guardian. In accordance with the Federal Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), we will never knowingly solicit nor will we accept personally identifiable information from users known to be under thirteen (13) years of age.
n the event that Swarthmore Campus & Community Store is acquired or substantially of our assets are acquired, your personal information will be transferred to the acquiring entity.
How Your Information Is Used
The primary purpose of obtaining the personal information that you provide is to provide you with the Service, which includes facilitating purchase and rental transactions with you, billing you for purchases and rentals, and shipping your order to you. In addition, we may use the information to market our products and services to you. You can opt-out from us using your information for this purpose at any time by logging onto your account at and following the instructions under the tab labeled “Preferences”.
We may ask for demographic information about you and your school. The purpose of this information is to help us understand usage patterns on the Website, which in turn helps us improve a User’s overall experience on the Website.
The Website and the Service may contain links to and from other Internet sites that are owned and operated by third parties. Swarthmore Campus & Community Store has not reviewed all sites linked to us and does not endorse or imply an endorsement of any kind. We are not responsible for the contents of any such linked site, and the use of any such linked site is solely at your own risk.
We also collect information about your use of the Website that does not personally identify you and such data is used in aggregate to help us improve our Website (for example, the layout of the Website). This information is owned exclusively by us, and may be used by us and our affiliates, at our sole discretion, in any manner we deem appropriate.
Personally Identifiable Information
All personally identifiable information we collect is protected by Swarthmore Campus & Community Store pursuant to our most recent Privacy Policy.
Legal Disclaimer
In the event that we are required by law to disclose personal information due a legal process served on us (such as a court order), then we will disclose such information as we reasonably believe to be necessary to comply. This is whether or not we notify you of the legal process which we may do at our sole discretion.
You can review the information that you submitted during the registration process by logging onto your account with your username and password at You may make changes you deem necessary. You may also contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
Disclosure to Third Party Contractors
Swarthmore Campus & Community Store shall not disclose, sell or rent to third parties personal information which you forward to us through the registration process. The information which you forward to Swarthmore Campus & Community Store through the registration process shall be used by Swarthmore Campus & Community Store and its affiliates for purposes of transaction completion, billing, advertising, notifying you of any changes to our Policies or this Site, or for any other purpose which Swarthmore Campus & Community Store deems necessary to carry out our duties under this Privacy Policy or our other Policies. We may contract with third parties to provide the Service to you (such as payment processors or fulfillment companies) and we may provide personal information to those third parties in order to fulfill those duties. These third parties will not be allowed to use your information for any other purpose without your consent.
Your Password
Swarthmore Campus & Community Store is not responsible for maintaining the security of your username and password. Do not share your username and password with other people. It is your responsibility to notify Swarthmore Campus & Community Store if you believe your username or password have been compromised or used in an unauthorized manner. Swarthmore Campus & Community Store assumes no responsibility, liability or obligations for any loss or damage resulting from your failure to comply with the security of your username and/or password. You are responsible for all activity and usage of the Service and for all content created on, posted to or accessed under your username and password.
Swarthmore Campus & Community Store will NEVER ask you for account information, credit card information, or your password via email or by telephone.
We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information that you have provided. We require a secure connection with your browser using Secure Socket Layer encryption technology. If such a connection is not permitted by your browser, then we will not accept your personal information. Although we use accepted standards to secure your information, there is no method of transmission over the Internet that is absolutely secure. Please direct any additional questions about our security to us at [email protected].
Changes to Our Privacy Policy
By using this Website, you consent to our collection and use of the information you have provided. We reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted on this Website. Please visit the Website regularly so that you are aware of the most recent Privacy Policy. Our current Privacy Policy applies to you and any information that you have provided to us.
Last Updated: June 30, 2017